internEducation is an extremely important part of what we do here at Moody Gardens, which is why we offer an extensive Internship Program for college students. Our interns get the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in their field of choice.



Applying to the Internship Program is a three-stop process.

  1. Submit an application packet including the following:
  • Completed application
  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Two letters of reference from a non-family member
  • Current transcript
  • Letter from a course professor containing the professor’s name, contact information, and name of the course in which credit will be given for the internship


  1. Moody Gardens will contact applicants by phone to schedule an interview. Applicants must interview with both the Intern Coordinator and the manager of the appropriate department in which the internship will take place.  Interviews will allow applicants a chance to learn more about the program, while also giving Moody Gardens a chance to get to know you better.
  2. All applicants chosen to be interns must complete the Intern Orientation Program. Orientations are held before each semester and last around three hours. Attendance is mandatory, and must be down before the intern’s first shift.


Internship opportunities:

  • Penguins and Pinnipeds Internship
  • Rainforest Internship
  • Fish Internship
  • Quarantine Internship
  • Veterinarian Technician Internship


Application Deadlines:


Spring (Feb/March/April): January 1

Summer (June/July): May 1

Fall (Oct/Nov/Dec): September 1


All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the day of the deadline.


For more information and any questions, please feel free to contact the Intern Coordinator at [email protected].

Please mail completed applications to:

Moody Gardens®

Attn: Volunteer Services

One Hope Blvd.

Galveston, TX 77554

Phone: 1-800-582-4673, ext. 4108

Fax: 409-683-4929

Email: [email protected]


Don’t miss out on the fun at the Aquarium Pyramid, Rainforest Pyramid, and all of Moody Gardens’ attractions. Check out the Moody Gardens Hotel and learn why it is one of the best places to stay in Galveston.