Category: Animals (Page 1 of 4)

Moody Gardens Super Bowl LIX Prediction

Who will win between Chiefs vs. Eagles?

Animals predicting the Super Bowl champ has become a tradition over the last 15 years at Moody Gardens. This year, two Giant African Millipedes weighed in with their prediction… but will they be correct?

Who will win between the Chiefs and Eagles? Watch the video to find out!

In a specially built stadium, the Giant African Millipedes took part in a race down the 100-yard field (more like inches) to claim ultimate glory. The entire event was commentated by Moody Gardens announcer “Skip Thompson,” better known as Guest Services Manager, Tim Raeke. And spoiler alert, a famous popstar and popular cartoon character make surprise cameos.

Some facts about Giant African Millipedes:

  • Usually, dark brown or black in color
  • Range from 4 to 12 inches in length
  • Have about 300 to 400 legs
  • Have weak jaws made for munching on decaying plant matter
  • Cannot bite humans
  • If attacked by a predator, they can coil into a tight ball or secrete a foul-smelling, bitter fluid

Some previous animal predictions for the Super Bowl were made by Giant Pacific Octopus, Komodo Dragon, Cownose Stingrays, Red-footed Tortoise, Saki Monkeys, and a Harbor Seal.

A dark, segmented, multi-legged Giant African Millipede (Archispirostreptus gigas) is curled up against a rock in a display enclosure.
A dark, segmented, multi-legged Giant African Millipede (Archispirostreptus gigas) is curled up against a rock in a display enclosure.

If you’re interested in these multi-legged arthropods, step into the heart of the Rainforest Pyramid and encounter a fascinating world of other multi-legged marvels! From Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches and Walking Sticks to Tarantulas and Scorpions. Wander through lush, tropical trails surrounded by over 1,700 exotic plants and animals as you explore the vibrant ecosystems of Asia, the Americas, and Africa—all within a breathtaking, fully enclosed glass sanctuary.

Counting for Conservation: Rare Birds and Big Discoveries at the Audubon Christmas Bird Count

Written by Clayton Leopold. Edited by Kerry M. Toorcana

The second, official sighting of a juvenile Yellow-headed Caracara on the beach of Galveston. Speckled yellow across a dark brown coat along with a signature beak indicative from birds of prey.
The second, official sighting of a Yellow-headed Caracara on the beach of Galveston. Photo by Greg Whittaker, General Curator at Moody Gardens.

On December 17th, Greg Whittaker, General Curator and Clayton Leopold, Field Biologist at Moody Gardens, participated in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count, a nationwide event that celebrates 125 years of citizens science data. This is the longest running citizen science event in the Nation! The count is bound withing a 15 mile diameter circle that is then broken into sections to organize coverage. Volunteers count birds for a 24 hour period, and not only enumerates species, but also counts each individual.

During the count, several bird species were documented, some of which were rare species for the count. We had unique birds like Orchard Oriole, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Tropical Parula, and Eastern Screech Owl.

The real star of the count was a Juvenile Yellow-headed Caracara! Only in recent years has this species been spotted in the United States, and second time in Texas! Greg located the bird on Galveston beach and was able to obtain identifiable photos which aids in detailed documentation. 

An ash-throated Flycatcher sits on a withered brown brand in a forest setting with rays of sunlight peeking through the forage.
Ash-throated flycatcher. Photo by Clayton Leopold, Field Biologist at Moody Gardens

Christmas bird counts were born out of an effort to turn a yearly hunting extravaganza into a conservation initiative. Today, Moody Gardens participates in Christmas bird counts to support these efforts. Data from these counts can help track population changes over time and can lead to a better understanding of how threats are affecting species.

To learn more about the Audubon Christmas Bird Count and even participate, you can read more here.

Diablo: Galveston’s Komodo King by Waves Magazine

In the November edition of Waves Magazine which serves as the ultimate guide to Galveston for visitors and residents alike, you can read about Diablo, our 14-year old Komodo Dragon who can seen on most days inside the Rainforest Pyramid or on occasion at the Visitor’s Center.

Moody Gardens is home to many remarkable creatures, but Diablo, the 14-year-old Komodo dragon, truly stands out as a crowd favorite. From his impressive size—eight feet long and 175 pounds—to his intelligence and engaging behavior, Diablo captivates visitors with every encounter. Hatched in 2010 at the Los Angeles Zoo, he arrived at Moody Gardens as a tiny hatchling and has since grown into a living relic of prehistoric times, thanks to exceptional care and training. For those who know him best, Diablo is much more than just a fascinating animal; he’s a reminder of nature’s incredible history and diversity.

As the Animal Welfare Manager, Marci has spent countless hours socializing and conditioning Diablo, drawing on her two decades of expertise in reptile and animal care. While Diablo exhibits incredible traits, Marci and her team remain vigilant, adhering to strict safety protocols to ensure everyone’s well-being when working with this powerful wild animal. Even the most docile dragons must be handled with care, as Diablo’s sharp teeth and unpredictable moods remind staff of his untamed nature.

Read more about Diablo, and his caretaker Marci as well as the challenges and hopes that he faces for the future as an aging reptile.

The original article was written by Dr. Richard D. Henderson, DVM of the Galveston Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Henderson serves as the veterinary medical provider for the Moody Gardens Rainforest and Aquarium Pyramids, and is responsible for examining and treating animals in the collection including over 300 species of fish, seals, penguins, reptiles, amphibians, birds, small mammals and primates.

Moody Gardens regretfully announces the passing of Ducky, the Giant Pacific Octopus

Ducky, the Giant Pacific Octopus in his tank at the Aquarium Pyramid
Ducky, the Giant Pacific Octopus at Moody Gardens Aquarium Pyramid

Our team is sad to announce the loss of our Giant Pacific Octopus, Ducky. Ducky was a mischievous little guy who loved playing with Lego and getting splashed with “rain” from a watering can. Recently, Ducky began to show the signs of senescence – a natural process at the end of an octopus’ life cycle. He will be deeply missed by his keepers and all the guests who enjoyed coming to the aquarium to see him.

The natural lifecycle process of senescence is marked by certain attributes and changes in behavior. According to the article ‘Octopus Senescence: The Beginning of the End‘ appearing in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science,

Senescence is a normal stage of an octopus’s life cycle that often occurs before death. Some of the following symptoms typify it: lack of feeding, retraction of skin around the eyes, uncoordinated movement, increased undirected activity, and white unhealing lesions on the body. There is inter- and intraspecific variability. Senescence is not a disease or a result of disease, although diseases can also be a symptom of it.

Giant Pacific Octopus live in the North Pacific Ocean, in waters up to 2,500 feet deep and can be found from Japan to Alaska, even as far south as Baja California. Their typical lifespans fall between three to five years although, there are species of octopus whose lifespans can also be as short as six months. The Giant Pacific Octopus also uses eight strong arms plus a paralyzing toxin for hunting and devouring prey. They are the largest species of octopus in the world and are considered one of the Animal Kingdom’s most intelligent creatures.

Ducky predicts the winner of Super Bowl LVIII

We will dearly miss Ducky, an important ambassador animal which educated visitors about cephalopods at the Aquarium Pyramid.

Joining Forces for Conservation: Moody Gardens Partners with Ecology Project International and Pacuare Reserve

Advancing Wildlife Protection and Environmental Education Through Global Collaboration

Ecology Project International and Pacuare Rserve enters into conservation partnership with Moody Gardens.
Moody Gardens is proud to be official partners with Ecology Project International (EPI) and Pacuare Reserve.

Moody Gardens is excited to announce a new partnership in conservation and education with Ecology Project International (EPI) and Pacuare Reserve. This collaboration underscores our shared commitment to protecting wildlife and promoting environmental awareness.

The Agami Heron at its breeding grounds in Costa Rica at Pacuare Reserve.
Agami Heron perched on a decaying log in the Costa Rican tropical forest at Pacuare Reserve.

Our partnership with Pacuare Reserve includes funding assistance for conservation projects, staffing, and research. This support is vital for expanding the conservation efforts focused on the rare and magnificent Agami Heron, among other species.

This multi-year endeavor aligns with our mission of advancing conservation and education through successful international collaborations. One of our initial joint projects involves contributing to the construction of an observation blind for the majestic Agami Heron and hatcheries that protect sea turtle nests. We look forward to achieving great things together through joint research initiatives, educational programs, and impactful conservation projects.

Ecology Project International is a non-profit organization that fosters
place-based education partnerships among educators, experts, and students.
The work of EPI helps promotes scientific and community-based conservation, which addresses human and environmental threats.

Pacuare Reserve, managed by EPI, is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including three species of monkeys, 252 bird species, sea turtles, jaguars, and ocelots to name a few. The reserve, accessible only by boat, welcomes eco-tourists, students, and researchers to its dense jungle outpost.

Visitors can look forward to observing the flora and fauna first hand which can give them a real sense of the world in its natural environment. They can also participate in census collection and field research where they can observe and study species such as sea turtles, monkeys, felines and birds.

Additionally, they can learn about the diverse species and natural wonders of the reserve, with field assistants who explain scientific terms in simple, easy-to-understand language. For those unable to visit, donations are welcomed to support ecosystem protection, research, and education in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.

Two Spider Monkeys look down through the branches of the rainforest at Pacuare Reserve.
Curious Spider Monkeys looking down through the branches of the dense rainforest.

The Agami Heron, known for its vibrant breeding colors, is classified as Vulnerable due to habitat loss and other threats. Its small, scattered population makes it especially vulnerable. The research project at Pacuare Reserve is vital for protecting this species by studying its behavior, migration, and habitat needs, and sharing the findings with the international Agami Heron Working Group.

Research and conservation programs for the Agami Herons faces challenges, including the need for advanced technology like satellite transmitters and high-quality optical instruments. Moody Gardens is supporting Pacuare Reserve by helping design and place a blind to enhance the observation site. This will allow researchers, and participants to gather more accurate data and improve existing conservation strategies.

Together, Moody Gardens and EPI are confident that our joint efforts will lead to significant advancements in conservation and education for the Agami Heron and other species that can be found at Pacuare Reserve.

World Migratory Bird Day on May 11

Protect Insects, Protect Birds

Participate in celebrating the importance of migratory birds this Saturday, May 11th. Insects play a hugely important role in the life cycle of birds and within the varied ecosystems of Planet Earth.

In conjunction with the Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, there are three events planned to occur at Moody Gardens and one event that takes place offsite on Galveston Island:

Houston Audubon Urban Survey
Moody Gardens Golf Course
1700 Sydnor Lane, Galveston TX
Travel by golf cart across the greens to take a survey of all the birds on the course. Must RSVP, with a limit of six people per party to (409) 370-4585
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Moody Gardens Learning Place
Listen to knowledgeable staff as they discuss native plant gardens and actions that can be taken to help bird populations. This is a FREE to the public event.
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Moody Gardens Colonel Paddlewheel Tour
This boat tour will focus on bird migration throughout Galveston.
Tickets must be purchased for this event here.
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

The theme, ‘Protect Birds, Protect Insects’ which forms the focus for this year’s ‘Migratory Bird Day,’ are important for several reasons.

Insects are an importance food source for many creatures, they recycle nutrients by eating decaying plants and animals, they are also pollinators to 85% of all flowering plants including crops, and they are herbivores that promote biodiversity. Habitat degradation, pesticides, invasive species and more all threaten this balance in nature.

A Black-necked Stilt feeds in the retention ditch at Moody Gardens West Lot.

When it comes to humans, there are several actions that we can take to protect insects and the birds that rely on them for survival.
Leave the Leaves: leaves provide nutrients and shelter for many insects
Plant Native: native insects do better with native plants
Reduce Chemical Use: have a natural lawn instead of a manicured lawn
that uses pesticides
Dim Your Lights: both insects and birds are affected by artificial light at
night. Turn off unnecessary lights and make sure any outdoor lighting is
Dark Spy approved.

Happy World Migratory Bird Day!

Explore the Spring 2024 “Sustainable Tourism” Edition of the ‘Island Soul Visitor Guide’

Cover page of Galveston's Island Soul focused on Sustainable Tourism: Help keep our Island clean, green and pristine
The Spring 2024 Island Soul Visitor’s Guide featuring “Sustainable Tourism.”

Find out more about the Moody Gardens Conservation Fund, Coral Reef Lab, Animal Encounters and ongoing conservation efforts

In this Spring “Sustainable Tourism” issue of Galveston’s ‘Island Soul’ magazine produced by Visit Galveston, the tourist guide takes a deeper look at the ongoing environmental and conservation efforts taking place on the island. In this edition, you’ll discover special coverage spotlighting Moody Gardens’ role in sustainable environmental practices.

At Moody Gardens, conservation and research form a cornerstone of our mission, driving our efforts to educate the public about nature, wildlife, and the environment while serving as a focal point for all our activities. These efforts include the establishment of the Conservation Fund[PDF] which is maintained through Penguin & Otter Encounters; the Penguin, and Seal Experience; along with selling prints of penguin art.

To learn more, download a free PDF copy of ‘Island Soul’ via the link below:

This issue of ‘Island Soul’ written by Crai S. Bower (Instagram: @travelcrais & X / Twitter: @craisbower) and provided by

The Lone Wanderer: Cattle Tyrant’s Texas Tale

“Reflections on Isolation and Resilience in Nature”

North American Cattle Tyrant small bird with brown features and a yellow chest. Photo by Greg Whittaker

The North American Cattle Tyrant in downtown Corpus Christi
Photo credit: Greg Whittaker

It was a strange rare bird chase as I walked a 6-block area in downtown Corpus Christi with binoculars and camera last Friday.  Circling back towards the corner of North Chaparral and Lawrence, I saw it!  A medium sized bird, gray on top, yellow below, catching bugs off the windows of a building and hopping on the sidewalk just as most previous eBird pictures and reports reflected. 

I took several pictures and walked back to the pizza joint to meet the other three non-birdnerds visiting the coastal bend on this long weekend camping trip.  I was beaming as I showed the grainy pictures on my cell phone and announced this as my species number 401 for Texas. 

I mention that not because it’s a particularly grand achievement amongst birders, but mainly to emphasize the relative unimportance of assigning a number.  My thoughtful wife pondered why birders flock to see a single, wayward individual bird and celebrate an encounter.  No one seems to care that this lost bird is destined to die alone in an unfamiliar place.  The focus on animal well-being is core to both of our professional lives, and her questions prompted my own curiosity.

At a Houston Audubon event this week I took the opportunity to ask several avid world birders if they’d ever seen a Cattle Tyrant in its native range and habitat.  A couple commented that their numerous encounters in Panama and Brazil involved birds hopping around on sidewalks in downtown urban centers plucking flies off buildings and dumpsters.  To which I thought to myself, well at least this new Texan has located its essential habitat.  I commented that it would probably suffer from the cold temperatures this past week and it was pointed out that the natural range has similar conditions. 

Satisfied that this visitor could survive, and perhaps physically thrive in its new home, I was troubled by the species description listing it as a social species often found in flocks.  Isolation of a social species is the opposite of thriving when we look through the animal well-being lens.  The North American Cattle Tyrant saga will continue to play out, and this individual bird will attract thousands of avian gawkers before disappearing mysteriously, or even sadder, to obscurity when the newness wears off.

Stepping back to explore the odd concept of listing in the birdwatching realm, I’ll state up front, that I’m a lister.  It would take some analyzing to determine why its important for me to have a metric assigned to my time outside enjoying nature, but it’s there, it’s real and eBird is the enabler. 

Likely the same neurochemical explosions associated with the dinging sound of increasing “likes” on a tik-tok post (if that’s even a thing).  The inherent narcissism of making me and my sightings more important than the subject matter itself. 

I realized this morning as I listened to the territorial call of an American Robin establishing a nest in my neighborhood and seeing the head of a Red-shouldered Hawk peering over the edge of last year’s nest that everyday encounters with the wildlife around us should be more important than a “first”.  Listing is important, and the valuable data that researchers access through the aggregate of all of our eBird lists is critical to understanding species population trends, range shifts, migration timing and many other questions that we haven’t even asked yet. 

While you’re out there chasing those rare birds, take time to notice everything else.  Collectively we may start talking a little more loudly about the reduced numbers of common species, or the seemingly smaller numbers of species we’re seeing throughout the year, or the lack of a species during a migration, or two, or a decade.  Since we all care about the birds we see, hopefully we’ll care as much about the ones we don’t.

Whooping Cranes at Goose Island State Park
Photo credit: Greg Whittaker

If you want to see the first ever North American record of the Cattle Tyrant, go to the corner of North Chaparral Street and Schatzell Street in downtown Corpus Christi and watch for the pretty yellow-bellied bird hopping along the sidewalk catching flies off the side of a building. 

On the way down, treat yourself to a drive by the Big Tree at Goose Island State Park to see some of the 536 living Whooping Crane that continue to visit Texas every November through February.

Photo of Greg Whittaker, Animal Husbandry Manager at Moody Gardens

Greg Whittaker is Moody Gardens’ General Curator and a birding enthusiast. He chairs the Galveston County Audubon Group and serves on the Houston Audubon Board of Directors.

Audubon Christmas Bird Count – Joyful Citizen Science!

On Christmas Day 1900, ornithologist Frank Chapman, an early officer in the newly formed Audubon Society, proposed a new holiday tradition – a “Christmas Bird Census” that would count birds during the holidays rather than hunt them.  In the 123 years since, the annual CBC as we now call it, has grown from 27 birders tallying a mere 90 species, to just under 80,000 participants across Canada, the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean and Pacific Islands surveying more than 2600 fifteen-mile diameter circles to record 2244 species, plus 432 hybrids.  The citizen science data produced from these collective efforts helps inform conservation strategies around avian population trends.

Galveston boasts 2 circles monitoring our Island; TXGA and TXWG.  The older TXGA circle is centered just off the northwest edge of Pelican Island and encompasses habitats from just east of Rettilon Road on Bolivar Peninsula to the west end of Sportsman’s Road (Bay) and Beach Pocket Park #2 (Gulf) here on the Island.  The circle extends approximately 3 miles off the seawall and wraps around to include most of Texas City, Bayou Vista, and Tiki Island.  This circle was established in 1978 by Dick and Dwight Peake, and we just completed its 46th count on Tuesday, 19 December.  It was a resurrection of an earlier CBC circle (TX1W) that was centered about 2 miles west and collected data from 1946 through 1970.  TXGA has more water than land and a limited amount of wooded area, but still produces species diversity in the top 20 of all US circles.  The picture above was taken at sunrise from the observation platform overlooking Galveston Bay Foundation’s Sweetwater Nature Preserve where our visiting Sandhill Cranes spend their nights.  We were there to count them as they woke up to start their day.

Galveston’s West End CBC will be conducted on Tuesday, 2 January, 2024.  This newly formed effort is in it’s 5th year under the watchful eyes of Kyle O’Haver and Cynthia Hughes.  This circle is centered just northwest of Jamaica Beach in West Galveston Bay.  The eastern edge captures Laffite’s Cove Nature Preserve and the western edge is just offshore of the westernmost point of San Luis Pass.  A full third of the circle is within the Gulf waters off Galveston Island, and the northern arc of the circle captures a generous swath of mainland agricultural land, marsh and coastal prairie habitat split between Galveston and Brazoria Counties.  The circle encompasses most of West Galveston Bay, the mouth of Greens Lake, much of Hall’s Bayou and Chocolate Bayou.

You don’t need to be an expert birder to participate, and all eyes are valued in seeing, counting and tallying what we encounter.  It’s a great way to meet folks, see some new and interesting places you might want to bird, and learn a little about identification tips and tricks, photography, compare birding equipment, or who knows where the conversations lead.  If you’re interested in spending time enjoying nature while identifying, counting and recording local birds with teams of volunteer citizen scientists, don’t hesitate to send an email to [email protected].  I’ll gladly send you information on these, or other local CBC circles where you might find interest.  The Christmas Bird Count season runs from 14 December through 5 January, and there are 26 of them in our local region.  Most CBCs wrap up the day with a countdown event where count compilers, area leaders and participants share stories of the day’s adventures, best birds and generally just catch up with fellow birders to celebrate the season.  I’ll leave you with our sunset over the same marsh where the Cranes were returning to roost after their day enjoying our Island.

Celebrating Our Dedicated Team During National Zookeeper Week!

Last week, we had the pleasure of celebrating National Zookeeper Week, a time dedicated to honoring the unsung heroes of our sanctuary – the hardworking and passionate individuals who dedicate their lives to caring for our beloved animals. As we reflect back on this special week, we cannot help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for our incredible team of zookeepers who make Moody Gardens a truly magical place.

One of our cherished team members, Janie, the talented Penguin & Seal Biologist, beautifully summed up her experience with the following heartfelt quote: “Over the last 2+ years, I have learned so much, made wonderful memories, and gotten to work with some amazing people and animals! The 14-year-old me that started volunteering at Moody Gardens could only dream of having this career, and I’m so happy to have achieved that dream. Hug your local zookeeper and enjoy the photos!”

Janie’s story exemplifies the journey of passion and dedication that our zookeepers embark upon. Many of them begin as bright-eyed volunteers, motivated by their love for wildlife and the desire to contribute positively to conservation efforts. Over time, they grow and learn, gaining valuable knowledge and hands-on experience through countless hours of hard work and determination.

These remarkable individuals play an integral role in our mission to utilize nature in the advancement of rehabilitation, conservation, recreation, and research. Through their care, expertise, and commitment, our animals thrive in a safe and nurturing environment, allowing visitors to witness their natural behaviors up close and personal.

National Zookeeper Week gives us the opportunity to recognize the challenges our team faces daily. From meticulously preparing diets tailored to each animal’s needs to creating stimulating environments that encourage physical and mental well-being, their dedication knows no bounds. Their efforts extend beyond the well-being of the animals, as they also serve as invaluable educators, teaching the public about the importance of conservation and the need to protect these incredible species.

At Moody Gardens, we take immense pride in our diverse and talented team of zookeepers who work tirelessly to ensure the happiness and well-being of our animals. Each member brings their unique skills, experience, and passion to the table, resulting in a vibrant and harmonious atmosphere that permeates throughout our sanctuary.

As we honored our zookeepers during this special week, we also wanted to extend our heartfelt appreciation to you, our dear visitors, and supporters. Your continued love and support make it possible for us to maintain our high standards of care and carry out crucial conservation efforts.

We encourage you to take a moment to express your gratitude to the zookeepers at your local wildlife sanctuaries and zoos, no matter the week. Their dedication often goes unnoticed, but their impact on the lives of both animals and humans is immeasurable.

So, from all of us here at Moody Gardens, a big shoutout to our amazing team of zookeepers! Your hard work, passion, and unwavering commitment inspire us daily, and we are incredibly fortunate to have you as part of our family.

Let us continue to cherish and protect the fascinating creatures that share our planet, and as Janie said, don’t forget to give your local zookeeper a warm hug of appreciation!

With heartfelt thanks and warm wishes,
Jaree Hefner
Moody Gardens Blogger

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