Protect Insects, Protect Birds

Participate in celebrating the importance of migratory birds this Saturday, May 11th. Insects play a hugely important role in the life cycle of birds and within the varied ecosystems of Planet Earth.

In conjunction with the Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, there are three events planned to occur at Moody Gardens and one event that takes place offsite on Galveston Island:

Houston Audubon Urban Survey
Moody Gardens Golf Course
1700 Sydnor Lane, Galveston TX
Travel by golf cart across the greens to take a survey of all the birds on the course. Must RSVP, with a limit of six people per party to (409) 370-4585
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Moody Gardens Learning Place
Listen to knowledgeable staff as they discuss native plant gardens and actions that can be taken to help bird populations. This is a FREE to the public event.
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Moody Gardens Colonel Paddlewheel Tour
This boat tour will focus on bird migration throughout Galveston.
Tickets must be purchased for this event here.
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

The theme, ‘Protect Birds, Protect Insects’ which forms the focus for this year’s ‘Migratory Bird Day,’ are important for several reasons.

Insects are an importance food source for many creatures, they recycle nutrients by eating decaying plants and animals, they are also pollinators to 85% of all flowering plants including crops, and they are herbivores that promote biodiversity. Habitat degradation, pesticides, invasive species and more all threaten this balance in nature.

A Black-necked Stilt feeds in the retention ditch at Moody Gardens West Lot.

When it comes to humans, there are several actions that we can take to protect insects and the birds that rely on them for survival.
Leave the Leaves: leaves provide nutrients and shelter for many insects
Plant Native: native insects do better with native plants
Reduce Chemical Use: have a natural lawn instead of a manicured lawn
that uses pesticides
Dim Your Lights: both insects and birds are affected by artificial light at
night. Turn off unnecessary lights and make sure any outdoor lighting is
Dark Spy approved.

Happy World Migratory Bird Day!