One of the biggest questions people have is how do you make it 9 degrees in Galveston?
The answer is a lot of planning and a lot of hard work under the Texas sun.

A skilled team from the Gilbane Building Company in Houston prepared for the construction of the tent for more than a year.

There were four stages to the development process that will be executed by a team of roughly 48 people.

The crew worked all day to make sure tent was ready in time for the arrival of the ice blocks

The first stage was pouring concrete footers to support the structure.

To make sure the space for the tent remained a usable parking lot for guests once the structure is removed in late January, the concrete for the footers was poured flush with the existing concrete so it was less noticeable and ensured that there is no damage to cars.

The next step was to erect the insulated tent.

The frames of the tent begin to go up

The Moody Gardens “skyline” beginning to change

The tent starts to take shape

Once up, the inside had to be insulated

Then the flooring was placed to insulate the tent at its ultimate 9 degree environment.

The finished product was an impressive 28,000 square foot tent that towered 40 feet into the air.
Stay tuned for our next Creating ICE LAND Ice Sculptures blog series! We’ll be getting to know the award-winning VYA Ice Carving team that will be creating the ICE LAND Ice Sculptures.
ICE LAND will be a frosty new addition to the Festival of Lights and other holiday attractions this year as Galveston makes its holiday transition into a Winter Wonder Island. Admission to the exhibit is $26.95 for adults, $21.95 for seniors and $15.95 for children, and will also be included in a Moody Gardens Value Pass that includes admission to the various Moody Gardens attractions and Festival of Lights for $59.95. A two-day pass is available for $79.95. Courtesy parkas will also be distributed to each guest. Visit for more information and to purchase tickets.
Is there a special viewing period for annual members for the ICE LAND Sculptures?